Contributing to PATATO#

We’d love to get more people involved with PATATO to add additional features and make it better. Feel free to take a look at the list of issues on our GitHub repository or fork the repository and make your own updates.

  • Please add tests for any new features.

  • Please add documentation to any new features (see the existing codebase for examples).

  • Please follow the existing code style.

  • Consider adding to the documentation (e.g. an example script to illustrate any new functionality).

If you’d like to help out or for more information, please contact Thomas Else at

Getting started#

To get started, fork this repository on GitHub (here). You should then clone your fork of the repository to your local machine, install it as editable (-e flag in pip), where you can make changes as desired.

git clone
cd patato
pip install -e .

Running tests#

Please add tests corresponding to any code you would like to contribute. The test suites are currently located in the /tests directory. Please add them here. The following sequence of commands should then run successfully (from the patato root directory).

cd tests
pythom -m unittest

Rebuilding the documentation#

If you contribute to the documentation, you can test that documentation will build properly by running the following commands (from the patato root directory).

cd docs
make html

This will build the documentation in html format in the /docs/build directory.